Spring Cleaning Tips – How to Clean Your Windows

July 27, 2023
Spring Cleaning Tips – How to Clean Your Windows

Spring Cleaning Tips – Window Maintenance & Cleaning

If you’re planning your list of home maintenance and cleaning tasks for spring-cleaning, cleaning your windows should certainly be included. You may be surprised how much dirt and grime build up on your windows without you ever noticing. When you properly clean your windows inside and out, you’ll enjoy sparkling clear views of the outdoors as well as a brighter interior. Cleaning your windows regularly is important for proper window maintenance as well.

Inspect Your Windows Before Cleaning Them

Before you clean your windows, take time to determine if your windows are functioning correctly. Do they open and close easily? Do you notice any condensation between the panes? Are the frames solid and secure? Is there any sign of leaking? You don’t want to spend time cleaning your windows only to find out they’re faulty and need repair or replacement anyway. Inspecting your windows to ensure they’re functioning properly is an important home maintenance tip that can help save you time and money in the long run. If you do find any issues with your house windows, it’s important to turn to a local window company for a professional assessment as well as the dedicated window services you need.

Window Cleaning Tips from the Experts

Martha Stewert, queen of the perfect home, knows the right way to clean windows. It is doubtful that she has followed her own advice over the last several decades, but at least she can instruct the person doing the cleaning. We would like to share Martha’s window-cleaning tips with you, our Kansas City friends, and neighbors.

  1. Wait to clean your windows when the sun is not shining directly on the panes. The heat from the sun can cause your solution to dry faster, which could result in streaks.
  2. Brush away the cobwebs and dust from the window frame and sill. You might want to use your vacuum attachments to complete this process.
  3. Prepare your cleaning solution, using one part white vinegar and one part hot water.
  4. Place a towel at the base of the window to catch drips.
  5. Use a sponge to wet the window with the vinegar/water solution. Wash the dirt away.
  6. Wet the squeegee, and starting at the upper corner of the window, draw the squeegee down in a straight line.     Repeat this process as you move over the window.
  7. After you have gone over the window with vertical strokes, finish the project with a horizontal squeegee stroke at the bottom of the window.
  8. Dry the sill thoroughly with a dry cloth.

Once you’re finished with these steps, you’ll have sparkling clean windows to enjoy. They’ll help to enhance the beauty of your home inside and out.

Frequently Asked Questions About Window Cleaning

Still have questions about cleaning your windows as part of your spring-cleaning to-do list? Here are some answers to your frequently asked questions.

What are some effective spring-cleaning tips for windows?

In addition to following the window cleaning steps outlined above, one of the best tips we can give is to make sure you’re cleaning your windows regularly. Incorporating window cleaning into a regular spring-cleaning routine is a great way to keep them looking and performing at their best.

What tools and cleaning solutions should I use for cleaning windows during spring?

When choosing a cleaning solution for your windows, a standard glass cleaner is great for streak-free windows. However, you can also make a homemade glass cleaner by combining water and white vinegar or combining water with a small bit of dish washing soap.

The tools you’ll need to clean your windows should include non-abrasive materials. You can use a soft cloth to wipe down your windows as well as a squeegee with a rubber blade for a spotless finish.

How can I ensure streak-free and spotless windows after cleaning?

Ensure you are choosing a cleaning solution designed specifically for glass, whether you choose a store-bought glass cleaner or want to make your own. These solutions will ensure a streak-free finish for your windows. Additionally, a squeegee is essential for preventing water droplets from drying in place on the glass so that you have spotless windows as well.

Are there any specific techniques for cleaning windows with difficult-to-remove stains or dirt buildup?

If you’re dealing with stains, hard water deposits, or other difficult-to-remove buildups on your windows, you may want to use baking soda to help get the stains out. However, it’s important to note that baking soda is a more abrasive option, so it should only be used as needed to avoid damaging your windows.

How often should I clean my windows for optimal maintenance?

Ideally, you should consider fully cleaning your windows twice a year. Spring-cleaning is a great opportunity to get your windows ready for the nicer weather. You can then plan to clean your windows again in the fall before prepping them for the winter. Additionally, if excessive pollen, a harsh storm, or any other situations result in your windows getting dirty outside your normal window cleaning schedule, it can be helpful to include an additional window cleaning as needed to your plans.

Get Stunning Replacement Windows from Integrity Roofing

If you’re concerned about the condition of your windows or are ready to get a new set of replacement windows for your home in the greater Kansas City area, turn to the professionals at Integrity Roofing, Siding & Windows. We proudly offer top-of-the-line replacement windows, professional window installation services, and a personalized experience from start to finish. Additionally, we can provide you with important information on how to clean and maintain your new windows so that they’ll look their best for years to come. Contact us today to get started.


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